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Description of the project:

MantelGameMaker is a 3D GameEngine created by Mantel, a group of 2 students of Videogame Design and Development from CITM - Barcelona. Specifically, this 3D GameEngine focus on the High-Level System of audio.

New Features:

Camera Refactoring

Bounding Boxes

Frustum Culling

Mouse Picking

Hierarchy Editing

Own File Format (.sht)

Resources loaded in /Library


Background music on play:

Gif of some features of the engine

How To Use:

Move Camera

Right Click and WASD to move

Shift to move faster

Right Click and move the mouse to look around

Alt + Left Click and move the mouse to orbit around

F to Focus on the selected object

Right-Click to an object to select it

In the menu General < PLAY / STOP to play the game


Z to play music1, spatialsound 1 and 2 at the same time without loop (debug)

K to change the Frustum Culling from the screen camera to the camera created at the scene and viceversa

Drag & Drop

Drag and drop .FBX files to create a Game Object and load the mesh

Drag and drop .PNG and .DDS to apply a texture to the selected Game Object


Hierarchy Window

You can see the scene with all the Game Objects in it

You can select a game object and see its properties in the Inspector

Press the arrows to see the children of the Game Object

Inspector Window

You can see the Transform, Mesh and Texture of the Game Object





Gif of some features of the engine

Console Window

See console logs

General Menu

Activate/Deactivate Editor

Go To GitHub


Create Menu

Create Basic Shapes

Configuration Menu

Configuration of:




Info Menu

Hardware Information:


Help Menu

Demo Window: ImGui Demo Window


Made by:

Our organization is called Mantel and it’s formed by 2 students of UPC in Barcelona:

This project is based on Frog Game Maker code on their 2nd release: Github Project

Click here to Download latest version of the engine


This project is licensed under an unmodified MIT license, which is an OSI-certified license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.